Paternity Proceedings
Make Informed Decisions for Your Child
When handling divorce cases, it can be a difficult task that is time sensitive and convoluted, especially when children are involved. Often times each situation is different, but we have the adaptability necessary to help you gain control over the situation. Let’s face it, no one wants to be in this type of position but life happens. We are here for you in your time of grief to establish a plan of action towards your maternal or paternal rights in any divorce.
We Take Justice to Heart
Hammond Divorce understands how trying a divorce can become. We want to help you make the best choices, the right choices for you and the ones you love.
Through our online and in person services, we are committed to help you obtain the outcomes you want and need in order to move forward with your life plans and goals. Ideally, we would like to help you move through a peaceful and rational divorce process. Although this doesn’t always end up being the case, we will give you our very best so you can work towards a healthy, sustainable future.
Our priorities are your priorities.
Shared, Joint And Sole Custody: Exploring Domestic Partnership Options
Determining the level of custody can be a source of immense frustration between the opposing parents. Exploring the options in domestic partnership arrangements will help shed light on the possibilities and make you feel well informed. Every situation is different and the court will analyze each parents’ situation to determine stability and reliability, potentially resulting in sole custody if one deemed unfit to care for a child.
In most cases, shared custody is the healthy and ideal route for all parties, including the children, if both parents prove themselves responsible and have adequate living arrangements. The central priority of divorce revolves around the well-being of the child, and joint custody aims to give them a life that includes both parents raising them.
We Can Help You Make the Tough Decisions
We will help you to go through the process of determining what’s best for you and the children. In many cases it becomes possible to settle on an agreement but before you reach that milestone there are certain topics that may arise due to the nature of the situation.
As the children get older, they may wish to stay at one parent’s residence more frequently. At that time, you may need our assistance when facing agreement modifications or if the court needs to revisit legal responsibilities based on recent developments. The crucial decisions of a divorce and how it’s carried out requires a professional eye and experienced consultation.
Our Methodologies
We are empathetic in our approach to providing information about the possible proceedings that can be enacted. Many small details you wouldn’t expect come into play that influence each particular divorce. One of them is to establish the set visitation schedule and what type of custody is implemented. The trial will help determine the outcome but we are here to steer your ambitions in the right direction amidst the stress. We provide you with everything you need to know about getting divorced and help to find options to work out a solution while gaining insight into your divorce variables.
Our Team & Our Tools
Our team of professionals have the legal tools with years of experience in divorce cases, with the awareness that every situation is different. The most important thing is that the health, stability, and well-being of a child or children is at stake and this can be a subject of conflict between the parents resulting in unforeseen obstacles. Let us alleviate the burden of logistics through dedicated organization in a fragile environment. We have all the information you need to fully understand your rights in a way that will speak volumes.
The Impact Divorce Has on a Child
We have a firm grasp over the common problems associated with divorce, and will strive for solutions based on any given situation. This comes from experience in the law and we are here to answer any questions and address topics you may have not considered before initiating the divorce proceedings. Navigation through the vast sea of information is crucial for a balanced scale ending in an agreement that is comprehensive and viable for both parents.
The first toll divorce takes on the child is an emotional one. Young children will often question the situation, and the curiosity of a child will yield concern and emotional distress. It makes a child question the fundamental reality of love and union, and makes the future seem bleak and uncertain. Although life has its stresses, it is still possible to mitigate the divorce and implement strategies to buffer the blow. Older kids may blame themselves on some level and develop anxiety revolving around one or both of the parents.
Behavioral issues and the hard knocks of divorce may be a continual theme throughout their childhood, and these can change as they get older. The age at the time of divorce plays a big role in the emotional impact level they experience. It’s important to understand that divorce can yield positive results for the child too such as improved grades and mental fortitude along with learning from the problems and seeking to be their best once the finalization of divorce is through. It then frees the parents up to nurture their children more effectively and with less stress. The process can be lengthy, but we are here to help you weather the storm.
Honesty & Communication
Communication is important here, even if the truth can never be fully revealed at times. Maintaining healthy relationships with them despite the separation is important for a healthy upbringing with emotional and cognitive support. Don’t let your divorce become about you solely because it has a trickle impact down to your children. As we are sure you love and care for them, we also understand that some of these emotional consequences are unavoidable. Development of coping skills from a school counselor or therapist can help them vent and deal with the situation in a more effective manner. If the child shows great stress or lack of motivation in life then nurture their hobbies and encourage new ways of thinking and learning.
You Are Not Alone
We give you a working knowledge of divorce proceedings and the subtleties of custody options. There may also be distance variables that come into play where one parent is given sole custody for the sake of convenience. If the parents are argumentative or don’t communicate well, then this may warrant sole custody for one of the parents with visitation rights over the other. Consult with us today to discuss the options available and fitted to your unique situation. We are empathetic and understanding in our approach to delivering the needed fairness and justice in any divorce.